lunes, 22 de abril de 2013

A letter (writting)

Hi Anne,

Thanks for your e.mail. Your decision to come here is a really wonderful new.
You should to visit Salta in summer , because at this part of the year, there are many festivals, you can have fun and also meet a lot of people.

If I were you, I would package on the baggage two jackets, because here sometimes rains cats and dogs  and the climate changes is big. For the day time  you should bring light clothes ,here is very, very hot.

Thanks you for your invitation. I would really like to join the group, but the thing is that, I am traveling to brazil this summer,  so when you were here, I do not know if you could find me.

Best wishes , Nataly.

1 comentario:

  1. Paragraph 2 is missing (places to meet new people)
    You divided the 1st 2 paragraphs and they make only one..look at the writing sample.
    - newS - You should (to) vist -
    - so when (you were) here..
    - Best wishes ,

