lunes, 8 de abril de 2013

Jaguar one day had meant : legend, power, force, divinity. But now a days , people do not remember they.

The Jaguar An Ancient Species Endangered

The Jaguar in the topicality, lives in the south part of north America,    
to a great extent of central america, and in the south america until the north of argentina.
This feline prefers to live in the rainforest near to a river , due to the fact that it loves swiming. But in the other hand this animal can adapt easily to another ecosystem and live at 3000 feet above sea level.
 These beautiful and powerful beasts are quite good swimmers. Rivers provide prey in the form of fish, turtles, or caimans—small, alligator like animals. Jaguars also eat larger animals such as deer, peccaries, capybaras, and tapirs. They sometimes climb trees to prepare an ambush, killing their prey with one powerful bite.
Most jaguars are orange with distinctive black spots. Some jaguars are so dark they appear to be spotless, but details can be seen closer.
The ancient americans respected the animals especially the jaguar, they learned about their behaviours , watching every day how the animals did to survive.
Now a days, Jaguars are in dangered of extinction, because for people, no one has an important meaning, except the money. Then they have killed millons of jaguars year , until today . The reasons are always the same , they hunt jaguars for their fur, they hunt jaguars because they consider , that this animals are a problem for their farms.
People had will never think that the reason is that , jaguars do not have a place to live, because, humans cut down trees every day , covering more area for the agriculture.

2 comentarios:

  1. - Be careful with paragraphs!! You got a C-
    - But nowadays , people do not remember theM.
    - An Ancient Endangered Specie.
    - near (to) a river.
    - ON the other hand - respected (the) animals - how the animals (did??? to) survived.
    - because (FOR)OF people.
    - no one has an important meaning, except the money. Then they have killed millons of jaguars year , until today NOT CLEAR!
    - People had will never???

  2. yes I know that I did not do a good job teacher.
